Question is: Who's zoomin' who on this front, Heidi??
Diaz is facing a class-action lawsuit for selling starvation and calling it a diet plan. Still giving out all kinds of dangerous and misleading diet advice, she has placed yet another article on line. The article is nothing more than a viral marketing technique to sell memberships to Kimkins at close to $80 bucks a pop. By the way, Kimmer, as she is known to millions of dieters, has used other questionable techniques to sell her diet such as taking photos off of Eastern European mail-order bride sites and using them to back up fake Kimkins success stories.
So, the latest version of an article by Kimmer was posted this week on a free hosting site. In it, Heidi is singing the same old tune about sabotaging one's own diet:
How many times have we started a new diet with the very best ofBut, wait just a low-carb minute! If Heidi knows SO much about dieting, why does she look like this still?
intentions? We know we picked a good program, we’re excited, we’ve stocked up on
the essentials. We might even manage to do well for a few days.Then the shoe
falls. Our resolve wanders. We almost look for an excuse to cheat. You ask yourself, “Why?”You know that 14 strong days as free of temptation as possible will garner you the best chance of weight loss success....Yeah that was the promise, but it didn’t quite turn out that way. Yet again....Take comfort in knowing that your dieting sisters and brothers are joining you world over.
From: What’s Up With Diets and Self Sabotage? — by HEIDI DIAZ - posted 10-8-2008

It's not as if Kimmer hasn't been at this whole dieting and handing out dieting advice thing for a while now.
In fact, she was preaching this same stuff in a post from 2004 at Low Carb Friends.
Posted at Low Carb Friends by Kimmer, 10-07-2004, 11:54 PM
I wasn't tempted during my weight loss phase because I was super paranoid
about not cheating. I know from experience what gets me started with my excuses
... 'just one is OK', 'well, I already had one so I may as well eat more and
start over tomorrow', 'I've been really careful for 8 days so ...'If I were 22 I
may not know myself well enough. I might think I'm strong enough to stop before
I start. I'm 46 and beyond the stage of fooling myself. I've always stayed as
low carb as I could ... all the way to 318 lbs ... but interpretation is in the
eyes (and stomach) of the beholder. It took about 10 years to finalize the ins
& outs of my best "Kimkins" low carb [plan]
So, Heidi is still peddling the same old advice trying to sell memberships to Kimkins for $79.99.
Save your money folks. At best, the dieting advice you'll find on Kimkins won't work and at worst: IT'S DOWNRIGHT DANGEROUS. Yes, some people have lost weight on Kimkins, but most have paid for that loss by damaging their health. Kimkins is a VLCD and can make you dizzy, cause significant hairloss, and if done long enough can lead to far more severe health problems.
Just because someone has been handing out advice for a while doesn't make them an expert. Heidi Diaz at Kimkins is only an expert at one thing - taking your money.
Find yourself an effective low carb diet like Atkins or Protein Power and a free support group like Low Carb Friends.
All the best!!
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Thanks for visiting Laura. I've never used your products, so I won't endorse them.
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Health should be our first priority.
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