Say NO to Kimkins Web Ring

Monday, May 5, 2008

I'm Feeling Generous

Several members of the Kimkins diet website are planning a meet-n-greet in Las Vegas this summer. And, Heidi "Kimmer" Diaz has promised to show up. I've got news for the gals who are planning to head for the strip - even if you look good in blue, please don't hold your breath!

Kimmer WON'T be there. She'll have some sort of emergency which will, regretfully of course, cause her to cancel.

But, I want to help. I'm offering Kimmer the "free" trip to Las Vegas that I keep receiving in my email. No strings attached. I'll forward it right to you.

See, I don't want her to have any "excuses" such as the repairman says I need a new hot-water heater and there goes my trip fund. Sorry gals, have good time anyway.

Or, I finally had to break down and buy my son Brandon a bed. Cannot afford to do both. Sorry.

How about this one? My poor overworked tech guys deserve a bonus, and I just can't live with myself if I go to Vegas for fun knowing they're still there, behind the screen, making Kimkins run for all of you. Stay on plan and be sure to post pictures when you get back!

So, Heidi, I hope you will decide to use the free trip. Go to Las Vegas and let your dieters see who you really are. See what you really are. Let them ask you questions like - why isn't the Kimkins diet working for you now? If you've really lost 50-100 lbs. several times during your life, how fast did you gain it back? Why won't you address the medical problems people who've done your diet have had? Where in the hell did you get the idea that eating 500 calories a day is fine as long as you are fat - you body will automatically take the extra calories needed from storage? Why do you persist in saying there is no such thing as "starvation mode" when many studies show there is such a thing and trained medical professionals say the same.

No, you don't have the guts to face those people, do you Heidi? You are a bully and deep down, all bullies are just cowards. Once your members have paid for their Kimkins memberships, that's all you care about.

Well, you may not be generous, but I am. I'd also like to offer you the winnings I keep getting from the U.K. lottery, the money left to me by a long-lost relative in Africa, some great online pharmacy deals and that penis enlargement I keep hearing about.

But, wait, there's more!

Soon, you will be the guest of the State of California, and get a brand new wardrobe. But, you will have to pay for these accommodations, and pay dearly.


OhYeahBabe said...

Isn't the trip just a day before her big court date? Or did that date change? So much going on with the case that I can't keep up sometimes!

I'd say a date with the judge just might give her an emergency with the trip. :-D

Mimi said...

Preach it, May! There's no way on the good green earth that Hidey will ever willingly show her face to the people she seems so determined to scam, lie to, abuse, and torture.