Say NO to Kimkins Web Ring

Friday, March 7, 2008

Character Still Counts!

The galling lack of character displayed in Heidi Diaz' latest attack is nothing short of sickening.

By now, anyone paying attention to the Kimkins diet scam saga knows that Kimmer - Heidi Diaz - is a shockingly sick, twisted and sadistic woman bent on spreading her self-hatred to as many unsuspecting dieters as she can.

Those of us who've wised up are out to stop her by all legal means available. Details of the lawsuit against Heidi can be found here at: .

In the course of bringing this lawsuit that intends to shut down Kimkins and stop the fraud perpetrated by Heidi Diaz, several astonishing pieces of evidence have come to light. Most notably that while Heidi was raking in over one million dollars via membership fees for, she was also accepting SSI disability payments.

Greedy much, Kimmer?

But, this week, it also came to light that Heidi is using the very sick and disabled son of a former Kimkins member to attack that member - our dear friend Amyb - all the while taking money that could go to help people like this boy and others who are truly disabled and deserving of assistance. As Amy showed via e-mail exchanges on her blog, Kimmer had the nerve to question Amy's sons illness - which is well documented via a wonder site called and even suggested that Amy uses her son's illness to get sympathy.

It really makes you gag, doesn't it? Despicable, deplorable and CRIMINAL.

So, while Kimmer was using the money from disability payments to buy sugar cookies and booze, this young man, and so many others, had medical bills piling up, and true need for many things in life the rest of us often take for granted.

So take a good look at ol' Kimmer ------>
She is without decency, without character and without a prayer of escaping the web of lies and deceit she's woven for herself.

You may laugh at people with character and morals, Heidi. But, you're going to find your total lack of character will be your undoing.

And it can't happen soon enough!


OhYeahBabe said...

Great post. Heidi Diaz has no character at all. I'm not sure what Karma is waiting for, but Heidi should be very afraid!
My blog: Kimorexia

Mjr said...

And to think that Heidi actually had foster children living under her roof at one time. It just makes me sick. What kind of mother could stoop so low?

Unknown said...

Knowing that there are NO coincidences with the liar, ironic that the day you comment on the ducks kind and encouraging treatment of AmyB, Scammer Heidi posts about how sweet and caring the folks at Kimkins are. She is so transparent!

Mayberryfan said...

Good to hear from ya, Auntibon. Come join us at LCF. We'd love to have you!

Kat said...

Kimmer cares about no one but Heidi...sad!

MrsMenopausal said...

Heidi's actions are becoming less and less of a surprise. We've all witnessed what shes capable of but that certainly doesn't lessen the ick factor of it all. She has shown a whole new kind of low where Amy's son is concerned. If that doesn't open some eyes to her character, what will?

My blog: Weighing The Facts